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Setup Method

The setup method allows you to specify processes or workflows that need to be executed before the primary when block. It serves as a mechanism to prepare the required input data or set up essential steps prior to the primary processing block.


The setup method is typically used within the context of a test case. The basic syntax for the setup method is as follows:

test("my test"){
    setup {
        // Define and execute dependent processes or workflows here

Within the setup block, you can use the run method to define and execute dependent processes or workflows.

The run method syntax for a process is as follows:

run("ProcessName") {
    script "path/to/process/"
    process {
        // Define the process inputs here

The run method syntax for a workflow is as follows:

run("WorkflowName") {
    script "path/to/workflow/"
    workflow {
        // Define the workflow inputs here

If you need to run the same process multiple times, you can set the alias of the process:

run("GENERATE_DATA", alias: "MY_PROCESS") {
    script "./"
    process {


Please keep in mind that changes in procsses or workflows, which are executed in the setup method, can result in a failed test run.

Example Usage

1. Local Setup Method

In this example, we create a setup method within a Nextflow process definition to execute a dependent process named "ABRICATE_RUN." This process generates input data that is required for the primary process "ABRICATE_SUMMARY." The setup block specifies the execution of "ABRICATE_RUN," and the when block defines the processing logic for "ABRICATE_SUMMARY."

nextflow_process {

    name "Test process data"

    script "../"
    process "ABRICATE_SUMMARY"
    config "./nextflow.config"

    test("Should use process ABRICATE_RUN to generate input data") {

        setup {

            run("ABRICATE_RUN") {
                script "../../run/"
                process {
                    input[0] =  Channel.fromList([
                        tuple([ id:'test1', single_end:false ], // meta map
                            file(params.test_data['bacteroides_fragilis']['genome']['genome_fna_gz'], checkIfExists: true)),
                        tuple([ id:'test2', single_end:false ],
                            file(params.test_data['haemophilus_influenzae']['genome']['genome_fna_gz'], checkIfExists: true))


        when {
            process {
                input[0] ={ meta, report -> report }.map{ report -> [[ id: 'test_summary'], report]}

        then {
            assert process.success
            assert snapshot(process.out).match()


2. Global Setup Method

In this example, a global setup method is defined for all tests within a Nextflow process definition. The setup method is applied to multiple test cases, ensuring consistent setup for each test. This approach is useful when multiple tests share the same setup requirements.

nextflow_process {

    name "Test process data"

    script "../"
    process "ABRICATE_SUMMARY"
    config "./nextflow.config"

    setup {
        run("ABRICATE_RUN") {
            script "../../run/"
            process {
                input[0] =  Channel.fromList([
                    tuple([ id:'test1', single_end:false ], // meta map
                        file(params.test_data['bacteroides_fragilis']['genome']['genome_fna_gz'], checkIfExists: true)),
                    tuple([ id:'test2', single_end:false ],
                        file(params.test_data['haemophilus_influenzae']['genome']['genome_fna_gz'], checkIfExists: true))

    test("first test") {
        when {
            process {
                input[0] ={ meta, report -> report }.map{ report -> [[ id: 'test_summary'], report]}
        then {
            assert process.success
            assert snapshot(process.out).match()

    test("second test") {
        when {
            process {
                input[0] ={ meta, report -> report }.map{ report -> [[ id: 'test_summary'], report]}
        then {
            assert process.success
            assert snapshot(process.out).match()


3. Aliasing of Dependencies

In this example, the process UNTAR is used multiple times in the setup method:

nextflow_process {


    setup {

        run("UNTAR", alias: "UNTAR1") {
            script "modules/nf-core/untar/"
            process {
            input[0] = Channel.fromList(...)

        run("UNTAR", alias: "UNTAR2") {
            script "modules/nf-core/untar/"
            process {
            input[0] = Channel.fromList(...)

        run("UNTAR", alias: "UNTAR3") {
            script "modules/nf-core/untar/"
            process {
            input[0] = Channel.fromList(...)

    test("Test with three different inputs") {
        when {
            process {
                input[0] ={ it[1] }
                input[1] ={ it[1] }
                input[2] ={ it[1] }

        then {

