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md5 Checksum

nf-test extends path by a md5 property that can be used to compare the file content with an expected checksum:

assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).md5 == "64debea5017a035ddc67c0b51fa84b16"
Note that for gzip compressed files, the md5 property is calculated after gunzipping the file contents, whereas for other filetypes the md5 property is directly calculated on the file itself.

JSON Files

nf-test supports comparison of JSON files and keys within JSON files. To assert that two JSON files contain the same keys and values:

assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).json == path('./some.json').json
Individual keys can also be asserted:

assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).json.key == "value"

YAML Files

nf-test supports comparison of YAML files and keys within YAML files. To assert that two YAML files contain the same keys and values:

assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).yaml == path('./some.yaml').yaml
Individual keys can also be asserted:

assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).yaml.key == "value"

GZip Files

nf-test extends path by a linesGzip property that can be used to read gzip compressed files.

assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).linesGzip.size() == 5
assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).linesGzip.contains("Line Content")

Filter lines

The returned array can also be filtered by lines.

def lines = path(process.out.gzip.get(0)).linesGzip[0..5]
assert lines.size() == 6
def lines = path(process.out.gzip.get(0)).linesGzip[0]
assert lines.equals("MY_HEADER")

Grep lines

nf-test also provides the possibility to grep only specific lines with the advantage that only a subset of lines need to be read (especially helpful for larger files).

def lines = path(process.out.gzip.get(0)).grepLinesGzip(0,5)
assert lines.size() == 6
def lines = path(process.out.gzip.get(0)).grepLineGzip(0)
assert lines.equals("MY_HEADER")

Snapshot Support

The possibility of filter lines from a *.gz file can also be combined with the snapshot functionality.

assert snapshot(